IPL Photofacial
When it comes to skin rejuvenation, IPL treatments are becoming increasingly popular for their ability to successfully target several skin conditions with no recovery or downtime.
Our IPL photofacials can turn a red or blotchy appearance into radiant, glowing skin without any disruption to your normal activities. Find out how IPL photofacials can target your skin imperfections without causing any damage or irritation to surrounding skin or tissues.
What are IPL Photofacials?
Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL, is a modern technique for skin rejuvenation that stimulates your skin to “heal” itself, creating gradual enhancements from the inside out. The gentle pulses of light penetrate deep into the skin without damaging healthy skin or tissues, targeting Rosacea, hyperpigmentation, pigmented lesions and other dark skin imperfections from the inside out.
How Does IPL Work?
During a typical IPL treatment, pulses of controlled, intense light are administered into the skin, where they penetrate below the surface and target the pigment in vascular imperfections. The light then converts to heat, causing underlying pigments and blood vessels to constrict, restoring the natural beauty of the skin and smoothing lines and wrinkles.
Who is a Good Candidate for IPL?
Men and women who are experiencing the effects of pigmented lesions, excessive facial redness and light signs of aging and who are seeking a non-surgical skin rejuvenation alternative may be candidates for this treatment. During your consultation with our medical team, several factors will be taken into consideration such as your health, medical history, treatment expectations and aesthetic goals in order to determine your candidacy for IPL.
Patients who are seeking more dramatic results or who have more advanced signs of aging may require further evaluation before treatment is approved. Your treatment options will be discussed during your consultation, and a treatment plan will be created for you.
Is There Any Recovery Time?
Slight pinkness or flushing akin to a sunburn may be present on treated areas after your treatment session, which should subside after a day or so. As IPL does not remove any outer layers of skin and does not damage inner tissues, downtime is not necessary, and most patients are able to return to normal activities immediately.
Results may vary, and multiple sessions may be necessary depending on your goals and individual condition. Our medical team will advise you on how many sessions you may require as well as any further safety information that may apply to you during your consultation.
Contact Remedies Skin and Laser today to schedule a consultation with our medical team.
Discover the benefits of IPL treatments for smoother, clearer skin.